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CrossFit C2L Naperville IL
CrossFit C2L Naperville IL
“You were born to be real, not perfect.”
(No Measure)
3 Rounds NFT
10 PVC OHS w/ Pass Thrus
500m Row
8 Jumping Pull Ups
Skill / Strength
Snatch Balance (5×5 @ 65%)
Focus on getting under the bar quickly and strong stacked joints. 3 second pause at the bottom before standing the weight up.
GHD Situps (5 sets of 8)
Focus is on explosive legs and hips to help propel the torso into a seated position. Legs go from bent position to straight.
Metcon (Time)
Wall Balls (20/14)
Walking Lunges w/ Med Ball (20/14)
40 Hollow Rocks
40 Med Ball Russian Twists