Alpha Warrior in San Diego, CA
The Course:
Alpha Warrior lived up to their slogan, “NO MUD. NO MILES. NO MERCY”! This obstacle race focused a lot on the upper body strength, and was very challenging! We loved their obstacle ideas, and none of them were easy to do. Alexis had to face many of her fears in this race, but she still did all of the obstacles! She plans to come back with more confidence! Patrick was able to do almost ALL of the obstacles, which means he was definitely ready with his upper body strength!
Alpha Warrior obstacles really do test your strength, balance, and confidence. There were some very high obstacles with nets to protect your fall, of course! There are many different type of monkey bars: the swinging bars in different angles, ring bars in a curved direction from beginning to end, and others that we cannot put to words! The obstacles are definitely different from most races we have been to; you will have to see for yourselves, and lucky for you! We made a video of this race, and will post on the bottom of this article.
Workout Tips:
If you plan to compete this race, we suggest you to be prepared with your upper body strength. Many obstacle races that we have been to are mostly focused on the lower body strength. Therefore, we must applaud Alpha Warrior for their creativity; they have definitely changed the game and made their race unique!
-Palms-Up Barbell Wrist Curl Over A Bench
-Box Jumps
-Trampoline Jumps
If some of you have sweaty hands problems, we suggest you to wear full-fingers gloves. Also, we saw someone bring powder to the race, which might help too!
The Medal & T-shirts:
Alpha Warrior has the chunky medal by far and heavy too! We also love their T-shirt, simple yet stylish! The shirt is black with white fonts. Alexis purchased a tank top for $15. Out of all the obstacle race we have been to, Alpha Warrior had the best tank top we have seen so far. Wish there were a choice from having a t-shirt, tank top, or a v-neck for the women! However, doing the Alpha Warrior obstacles and finishing the race made the purchase really worth the money!
Alexis Goldstein & Patrick Rubio