Having to sign “You May Die” waivers may make a few people hesitate before registering for a mud run like the Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, or other obstacle race.
Last year saw a couple fatalities and serious injuries over the summer months for obstacle course races. More recently, one mud run participant’s body was found near the course.
Although fatalities and serious injuries are extreme and rare scenarios, we know the hazards of the challenges posed by obstacle races.
But we’re still going to help our fellow mud runners scale steep walls, crawl through muddy tunnels, and race our way to the finish line of our favorite obstacle races.
The best we can do is prepare for the hazards and reduce the chances of injury. This starts your training program and extends to your mudder.
Here are some tips for preventing injuries. Even though they’ll come in handy for your Tough Mudder training and other obstacle race workout programs, they’re good to keep in mind for all your athletic pursuits.
Injury Prevention: In-Gym Training
The warm-up: it’s more than arm swings and a few jumping jacks.
To warm-up properly, be sure to include two segments: 1) a general warm-up like a jog or simple body-weight exercisers for 5-8 minutes and 2) a specific warm-up with some flexibility and easier versions the exercises you plan to complete during your workout.
Why both?
Read more on Melissa’s site MyExerciseCoach.net.
Obstracle race participants need to be good consumers to avoid undue risks. Look for areas to rest/drink water, easy ways to walk around obstacles you decline, adequate medical support, and signs of good race management (urging people to work together, no mass starts right into obstacles, staggered start times, obstacles you can inspect and they look well-designed and constructed, etc.).