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Tag: Carey Degon

Team Mud and Adventure Race Report – June

Race season was in full swing this June and Team Mud and Adventure represented strong all over the place. We took on some strong competitors to the team and welcomed two new team sponsors - Six Nutrition and Frog Fuel. The below are only some highlights of the team's participation and accomplishments last month and numbers only tell the smallest part of the story. I'm honored to be associated with such a great group of people and can't wait till I get run along side some of you again. Keep kicking butt.

2014 Summer Death Race – Recap: Year of the Explorer

Wow, after 66+ insane hours of the Death Race, at approximately 1:30am this morning, the race was declared over and FINISHER skulls were awarded. I'm so HONORED to receive a skull along with all the other AMAZING athletes that finished. We accomplished something greater than ourselves! The athletes that did not finish are equally amazing because they had the fortitude to attempt such an extremely challenging event, dug deep, and gave it all that they had.

Mud and Adventure Athlete Matthew “IronBeast” Dolitsky to take on the...

The Death Race by Peak Races typically has three events per year held in Pittsfield, Vermont. The Summer, Team, and Winter Death Races. In 2014, they added the Traveling Death Race and held it in Mexico City. No two Death Races are alike other than the fact that they are equally challenging and it takes a special type of person to finish one. Finishers earn the much-coveted SKULL by going the distance. More importantly than a skull, racers learn lessons about themselves and come to realize they can push their mind and bodies beyond preconceived limits.

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