100KM (+) Obstacle Race – Do you think you have what it takes?


Survival Run- Hunter GathererThe folks behind the unforgiving Fuego y Agua Survival Run, the first of its kind ultra distance obstacle race, have turned it up notch (if that’s even possible) with their newest upcoming event Survival Run: Hunter and Gatherer which will be held this October in some remote part of Texas.

As I’m the (self appointed) Jerry West of obstacle racing they offered me a free race entry. I told them I’m probably already busy that weekend or something.

But truth be told I don’t know if I could make the cut (something about you will have to make your own shoes and needing to bring a water purifier). So I’m offering my race entry to the one deserving bad ass that thinks this has their name all over it.

If you think you’re up for the challenge and if the small chance that the race director agrees (the event is application only and for good reason), you could get a free race registration on the house.  

When applying, be sure to include the phrase “I love Mud and Adventure.” Hint: that better not be the only thing you put down. Out of the applications received with the above phrase included, and out of any of those who are accepted to register, one application will be picked to register for free.  One sick, twisted very tough individual will be picked and  notified around May 31.

Apply here.


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