Overcome and Run Podcast – Off Season Training with Miguel Medina and Yancy Culp


Overcome and Run podcast chats with Yancy Culp, and Miguel Medina, about how to approach the offseason.

You will hear from both about how the off season is a good time to build that aerobic base, and slow down a bit on the High Intensity Interval Training that we are all used to doing in OCR. Also, Miguel shares with us that you should be spending some time getting yourself into other sports/ fitness hobbies that will help keep you from getting burned out of running and OCR, but will also keep you active and improving your overall fitness.

This article originally appeared at Overcome And Run. Click here to go to original article

Original AuthorJay Bode
Original SourceOvercome And Run
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Overcome And Run
I am Jay Bode, host of the Overcome and Run podcast. I am pure runner turned Obstacle Course Racer. I ran my first Tough Mudder in early 2015 and have been going hard ever since. I could barely wait the 11 miles to start looking for my next race. In addition to the podcast, I have an amazing wife named Heather who is also an Obstacle Course Racer and the other voice you hear on the show. We are making 2016 our year to grow into the realm of elite racers. As if the show and my wife don't get the majority of my time, I am also active duty in the United States Navy.


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