Margaret Schlachter shares a few lessons she has learned over the last seven years in the industry and more importantly in the digital space.
The part more people don’t realize is it took years for me to make my first paycheck solely based on writing. Yes, years. First, it was years of writing for myself and others (for free), putting my work out there wherever and whenever I could. Every time I was turned down, I learned and worked harder. When I saw people around me more successful, I sought guidance and mentorship. I don’t know it all, far from it. I have learned to take my lumps.
Anyone working in the obstacle racing industry will tell you they are not in it for the money. Because in reality there is a lot less than most people think. Most race companies operate on a razor thin budget a common thread that extends to in the whole industry.
This article originally appeared at Dirt In Your Skirt. Click here to go to original article