In the fitness industry, as in any other industry, you?re going to have the latest trends or fads, what?s hot and what?s not. What?s motivating the masses to get out there and sweat on a perfectly good Saturday or Sunday when they could be sleeping in? Of course we?ll always have marathons and triathlons, but the latest and greatest seem to be obstacle-course racing and team-building events with a whole lot of craziness and good times thrown in. Three of the toughest and most popular are the Spartan Race Series, the Tough Mudder series and the GORUCK Challenge.
More: Obstacle Runs: Which One do I Choose?
The Spartan Race describes itself as the global leader in obstacle racing since 2005. It was designed by seven insane ultra athletes and a Royal Marine. These obstacle course races are designed to test your resilience, strength, stamina, quick decision-making skills, and ability to laugh in the face of adversity. They have many different race format options you can choose from. You can tackle a Spartan Sprint, a Super Spartan, and maybe even attempt a brutal Spartan Beast. They say only a few will have the heart to graduate up to the Death Race. Having done the Sprint, Super Spartan and the Death Race, I can definitely tell you that you will be challenged while having a great time with a bunch of other crazies. One of the other nice things about the Spartan series is that it offer s something for everyone from the beginner to the truly insane. Read more at