I figured everyone would be blogging about this years NJ Tristate Super Spartan race, so I decided to take a different route. This race was very energetic, and a great time for everyone. Here’s the scoop…
It was the 12:45 wave time. Everyone dressed in orange, the course marked off in orange, and they were ready to go! Orange shirts, orange medals, yes folks, the Spartan Kids Race!
Just like the adults they let these athletes off at different wave times between noon & 1 pm. My wife and I have 6-year-old boy/girl twins and they had been so amped up to run this race. All week my son and daughter sounded the Spartan AROO! when the race was mentioned.
Our kids had a later start time since we chose to have them run the Junior Spartan race which is a ½ mile. The adults get to choose the kids distance, either a mile (the Varsity Spartan Race), or a ½ mile (Jr. Spartan Race). We chose the ½ mile distance since it was their 1st Spartan Race. They did AWESOME!!! I was so proud of them. I feel the photos posted in this blog explain it all.
In fact, all of the kids that ran the race had a good time. It’s really great to see so many kids get out, off of the couch, away from the TV, and as my son calls it, away from “electrics” (i-pads, computers, video games).
Spartan really encourages all kids between the ages of 4-13 to race. If needed the parents can help their children through the course. My daughter needed some encouragement towards the end of the race, and we were there to help. She was able to finish and get her orange medal.
Children with special needs run these races as well. From what I saw they really rocked the course. It was so impressive to see them out there doing their best.
What really touched me was how one of the Spartan Pro Team athletes was assisting some of the children earn that orange medal which means so much to them. Like always, Spartan racers of all ages helping each other to reach their goals.
All in all it was a great day for the kids, the parents, and the people that volunteered to help. If you have kids I highly recommend the Spartan Kids Race. I know we will be in Vermont for the Spartan Championships on 9/21, and my twins are already asking to race again. Hope to see you there!