Spartan Race has always been at the top of the racing scene when it comes to challenging OCR racers with great obstacles and great locations that are always giving racers different types of terrain to run through to keep the races fresh and different no matter when you run. However, being the dedicated racer that always wants dirt on his skin after a race, I was not sure how Spartan headquarters was going to be able to give us the true Spartan experience within the walls of Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia with no mud and most likely no water. I was about to find out that the Spartan tradition was in full force at this race.
I have to start of with the perfect planning for this race weekend at this ballpark, especially due to there were absolutely no other events going on between the Phillies, Eagles or Flyers that left parking and traffic extremely easy to get through and be able to arrive for your heat in almost record time. My heat did not start until 11:15 a.m., but I arrived by 10 a.m. without any type of delay getting to the parking area. It was a very short walk to the registration area where the lines were the shortest I have ever experienced. Staff were moving folks quickly through the lines without any delay at all. Walking into the park was a breeze, and we were greeted with the great entrance to not only the ballpark but to our traditional Spartan Race marker to let us know we should be ready for what was ahead. The area was very well marked for all spectators and racers, from the restricted areas that racers were running through, to the areas that the spectators could sit down and watch all of the areas that had racers running around and through in the ballpark.
I headed up to the start line, and was please with the way the race spaced out all for the runners in each heat by starting a certain amount of runners every other minute so they could be evenly spread out on the course so there would be no back ups at the obstacles. This made the start, as well as every obstacle on the course be easily accessible for every racer. I did not run into any back up on the course for any of the obstacle (which most racer know is usually a given in the later start times) and was able to actually hear all instructions for each new obstacle I experienced. This was the first Spartan Race where I think I actually was in full surprise mode throughout the race due to the clear and very well planned out path for racers. I never had a questions where to go, nor did I have any major questions on what to do to complete and obstacle. And I do want to say I really loved the different obstacles thrown in for this race, because they really tested your core strength instead the normal mud on your skin. From the medicine ball toss (pretty much a set of half burpees to start off your race) to the rowing machine test (row 500 meters in 2 minutes, which absolutely drained my cores strength!!), to the double water jug carry this course had everything a beginner or an expert racer would want to test their racing strength. I found myself completely drained after every obstacle, but loving every second of the test.
I think the biggest highlight of the race was when we were able to be sent through the lower level of the stadium and were sent into the Phillies locker room to do a set of hand release push ups right in front of the players locker stalls!! I kind of went slower on this obstacle since you rarely ever get a chance to experience something like this on any professional sports level, and to be able to be in that room was jaw dropping. And after completing our push ups we were actually sent out through the exit to the dugout!!! It was like we were running onto the field to play an actual ball game. This was the one area of the race that will bring so many people to the stadium series races in the future. And the obstacles after coming out of the dugout were no slouch either, with the box jump draining any life I had back out of me. After finishing up behind home plate, this was one race I will remember for a long time.
For anyone that may be on the fence on if a stadium series race would be worth the money, I think this race proved these race could be a staple for many years to come. This was one well thought out course and if Spartan can do this for every stadium event they could break some records in the next few years for attendance.
So if you have not signed up for the Miller Park race or Fenway Park race, do not wait!!! I would do anything you can to get signed up and be part of one of the best races Spartan has to offer.
Thanks again for reading and remember race safe and smart!!
Mike Matter
OCR Fanatic